Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Money in Colonial Virginia

Everyday Life in Colonial Virginia

Day 6

Objective: Money in Colonial Virginia – as it related to the times.  Few people had paper money to buy goods and services.  Most people relied on bartering and credit.  Many people went into debt if they didn’t save. VS d

Procedure: Watch another PowerPoint on the money system in Colonial Va. and create skits to show what you have learned.

            I borrow a PowerPoint from this website: http://star.spsk12.net/socialscience/ss_vs4.htm 
The one I like to use is Money and the Colony.  It takes the concept of bartering and connects it to trading video games.  It also talks about the use of tobacco for money, no banks and the idea of credit/debt.  By the way, my students want to say 'debit' - so make sure you clarify the difference between debt (owing money) and debit cards!!!

       When we finished, we made a four square in our journals with the four main vocabulary terms and a picture for each:  credit, debt, barter, savings.

      Another great activity that my colleague Lori Kania came up with this weekend was writing up scenarios for the kids to act out.  We printed them and passed them out to groups of three. 

  • Create a skit about bartering. In your skit, you will show bartering services for services.
  •  Create a skit about bartering. In your skit, you will show bartering goods for services.
  • Create a skit about bartering. In your skit, you will show bartering goods for goods.
  • Create a skit about credit.  In your skit, show someone purchasing goods on credit, promising to pay for them later.
  • Create a skit about debt. In your skit, show someone who has gone into debt because they purchased something on credit.
  • Create a skit about savings.  In your skit, demonstrate how you would have saved in order to buy something you need.
  • Create a skit about money.  In your skit, show what money is.  Make sure to mention that few people in colonial Virginia had money, so there were no banks.

The kids loved acting the scenes out!!!  A great review anytime....

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