Monday, January 16, 2012

Martin Luther King Jr. Day...

I'll never forget the first time I heard Dr. King's speech in Washington.  I think I was in high school and as I listened to it, the tears rolled down my face.  You see I had grown up in the south in the 70's...and while I had friends of different races, many people around me were still struggling with the changes. 

I was fortunate to go to Mary Washington College in the 80's and hear the late, great James Farmer - a true civil rights fighter who became a professor in Civil Rights at my college.   He had a deep baritone and talked openly about his friend Martin.  He shared stories of escaping from Alabama (I think) in a coffin of all things...Can you even imagine?

Having taught for 22 years now with children of all races, genders and nationalities I am eternally grateful for the battles that Dr. King and others fought so that we could live in a more diverse community.  I know that there are more battles to win...more battles to fight... and so it is important to take time to remember on this day...

I wish I had some original resources to share, but instead I would like to share what I found at Sub Hub.  She has put together some amazing resources including a video clip and a Pinterest Board of the best resources out there.

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